Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Olahraga Produktif

Di pagi hari, sering kali saya melihat orang-orang berolahraga di jalanan depan warnet dan depan kos. Jogging, jalan santai, bersepeda (gowes katanya orang Bantul), atau lari sambil dituntun seekor anjing. Anak-anak, ibu-ibu, bahkan kakek-kakek juga ada. Kaos oblong, singlet, seragam olahraga dan semacamnya ikut memeriahkan balutan 'busana' yang mereka pakai. Sambil ngobrol, senyam-senyum, dan ketawa-ketiwi, benar-benar suasana yang bagus untuk kesehatan rohani dan jasmani, hal ini akan semakin semarak jika memasuki akhir pekan.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


E-marketing also known as internet marketing, web marketing, online marketing, or webvertising, is referred to as the marketing (generally promotion) of products or services over the Internet. Internet marketing is considered to be broad in scope because it not only refers to marketing on the Internet, but also includes marketing done via e-mail and wireless media. Digital customer data and electronic customer relationship management (ECRM) systems are also often grouped together under internet marketing.

Internet Marketing

Pemasaran Internet atau e-pemasaran (bahasa Inggris: Internet marketing atau e-marketing atau online-marketing) adalah segala usaha yang dilakukan untuk melakukan pemasaran suatu produk atau jasa melalui atau menggunakan media Internet atau jaringan www. Kata e dalam e-pemasaran ini berarti elektronik (electronic) yang artinya kegiatan pemasaran yang dimaksud dilaksanakan secara elektronik lewat Internet atau jaringan syber. Dengan munculnya teknologi Internet dalam beberapa tahun ini, banyak istilah baru yang menggunakan awalan e-xxx, seperti halnya: e-surat, e-business, e-gov, e-society, dll.

Orangutan Found with 104 Bullets Lodged in Body

A male orangutan named Aan was found, dying, with 104 bullets lodged all over his body in Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan.

When scanning the ape, doctors from the Orangutan Foundation found 37 bullets in his head and 67 others in his body, including in his heart and lungs. The doctors predicted that Aan was also suffering from infections derived from the wounds, reported on Wednesday.

9 Modus Upeti ke DPR

Isu upeti bagi wakil rakyat telah ada sejak dulu. Lagu lama ini nyaring kembali setelah pekan lalu Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Dahlan Iskan melapor ke Menteri Sekretaris Kabinet Dipo Alam bahwa masih ada anggota DPR yang meminta »jatah”.

Musisi Indonesia, Yuk Lebih Mencintai Bahasa Indonesia

Kita sering mendengar anak-anak kecil, juga orang dewasa, dengan mudah menyenandungkan potongan lirik dari lagu yang sedang mengetop. Lirik lagu rasanya lebih mudah dihafal ketimbang isi buku pelajaran di sekolah atau kampus dahulu. Bukan begitu?

9 Kata yang Biasa Salah Dipakai

Tidak ada manusia yang sempurna, termasuk dalam hal berbahasa. Berikut ini daftar kata yang, disadari atau tidak, sering salah dipakai orang dalam kehidupan sehari-hari:

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Kalimantan No Longer a Sleeping Giant: SBY

Presiden SBY meresmikan proyek-proyek MP3EI di Kaltim, di Pelabuhan Kargo Internasional, Balikpapan, Rabu (24/10) pagi. (foto: cahyo/
President Susilo Bambang Yu-dhoyono inaugurated eight mega projects in resource-rich East Kalimantan on Wednesday as part of the Master Plan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesia’s Economic Development (MP3EI).

Kim DotCom Launching Mega pada 20 Januari 2013

Hacker bengal Kim Dotcom berujar jika situs reinkarnasi Megaupload, Mega, akan dirilis pada 20 Januari 2013. Tanggal ini dipilih karena bertepatan dengan 1 tahun penangkapan dirinya oleh FBI tatkala kasus Megaupload.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Facebook Hasilkan USD $4 Juta Per Hari Dari Iklan News Feed

Situs jejaring sosial terbesar di dunia dengan 1 miliar pengguna ini mampu menghasilkan pendapatan sebesar USD $4 juta per hari hanya dari iklan di News Feed. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa Facebook mampu menghasilkan uang dan memiliki prospek yang baik.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Freedom of Speech, Social Media and Multiculturalism

Dewi Anggraeni*
Adapted for web by Ahmad Afandi

A few days ago, a woman fled Singapore after posting some emotion-charged remarks on Facebook to which she received a stream of hostile feedback. 
The bone of her contention was what she deemed as noise coming from wedding parties held in public spaces, known in Singapore as “void decks”, under housing blocks.

Homophobia on The Rise, Survey Says

A new survey published on Sunday revealed that intolerance of minorities is growing, with the highest level of hostility directed at the gay and lesbian community.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Going Global: ASEAN and International Organizations

“ASEAN Community in a Global Community of Nations” was the theme Indonesia chose when it became ASEAN Chair in 2011. One reason for this choice may have been that the government believes a globally more pro-active ASEAN would boost Indonesia’s own aspirations for a greater global role.

Govt to Omit English from Primary Schools

As part of a curriculum overhaul that will come into effect next year, English will no longer be a subject taught in elementary schools, says Deputy Education and Culture Minister Musliar Kaslim.

Indicted Megaupload Founder Plans Site Reboot

In a move bound to provoke US prosecutors and entertainment executives, indicted Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom is planning to launch a replacement of his shuttered website and a new online music service by year's end.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

FPI Rejects Vice Governor-Elect To Lead Islamic Bodies

Early rejection: Members of the Islam Defenders Front (FPI) protest in front of the Jakarta City Council on Tuesday. They held a rally to register their rejection of the current gubernatorial decree that states the deputy governor must also lead eight Islamic organizations in the capital. (Antara/Reno Esnir)
Early rejection: Members of the Islam Defenders Front (FPI) protest in front of the Jakarta City Council on Tuesday. They held a rally to register their rejection of the current gubernatorial decree that states the deputy governor must also lead eight Islamic organizations in the capital. (Antara/Reno Esnir)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Gandhi’s Values Could Eradicate Indonesia’s Corruption

The humanitarian principles of Mahatma Gandhi could be an effective cure for corruption in Indonesia, Vice President Boediono says.

Speaking at the 143rd anniversary of Gandhi’s birth, Boediono categorized corruption as the embodiment of greed, one of those human depravities long fought by Gandhi.