Saturday, March 24, 2012

Thesis - Concluding Remarks

CONCLUDING REMARKS - Interfaith Marriage

A. Conclusion

The explanation of entire problems regarding interfaith marriage actors in New Sorowajan Hamlet is completed and analyzed comprehensively with normative approach, thus it is time to give the conclusion in accordance with problem formulation:

1. There are seven (7) reasons at least as their basis to decide and determine to get married with their spouse of different religion: love and affection, quality of human, suggestion from kyai, being pregnant, discrimination and violation towards their human rights, all religions are equally same, all components of the family approve including their parent thus the other things will not be a matter so that their desire to get marriage was supported.

2. According to Islamic law and dali>l of Al-Qur’an and H{adi>s|, not all of their reasons is accepted or at least rationable to be a basis of decision to get married. Of seven reasons, there are merely three reasons that can be accepted:

a. An Islamic scholar (kyai)/Islamic lecturer decided that their marriage was permissible if their belief is strong. Factually, almost their children grasp Islam as one of their Islamic parent and the reality proves that different sex type is not a measurement to determine whether her belief is weak or strong, it’a also supported by the verse An-Nisa> (4): 34, it shows that both women and men could have weak or strong character and can be on the top or on the bottom.

b. Being pregnant. Surely it is answered clearly with An-Nu>r (24): 3. The verse shows that both adulterer and adulteress are considered as the idolater or unbeliever, so that it’s right to made them united.

c. If they are prohibited to get married it would be discrimination and violation towards their human rights. It can also be accepted, because Islam treats humans equally and gives them same rights. The justice from Islam is not just behalf on human perspective, but also primarily from Allah, unfortunately consideration about interfaith marriage is still a dilemma, because some ulama prohibit the marriage and another allow. So that the Islamic justice could not be implemented in case of interfaith marriage, because of its difference between ulama. Sociologically, interfaith marriage includes in living law, so that it must be allowed because of its advantages. In the Law No. 39 of 1999 regarding marriage and based on UUD 1945, prohibition towards interfaith marriage is a violation of human rights.

The other reasons could not be accepted: a) love and affection, it has been rejected by Al-Baqarah (2): 221 and H{adi>s| narrated by Al-Baihaqi. b) quality of human, it has also been rejected by H{adi>s narrated by Al-Baihaqi, it implies that religion is the most important consideration to select a lifetime partner and other considerations shall be disappeared and broken. c) all religions are equally same. It’s rejected, because a lot of verses show that all religions are not equally the same, Allah gives the proofs and lets human to choose between the right and the lost. d) family is everything, it’s as same as the love, can be a basis to allow their marriage. It will be quite different when the spouse has the same religion.

3. Before Indonesian regulation, their marital status is legal, because they are considered as the spouse of similar religion, although they have made temporary subjugation and counterfeiting data. But before Islamic law, their marital status must be observed as the marriage between Muslim and non Muslim, because their status on identity card is not their real status in the daily life. A Muslim returns to his original status as Muslim and a non Muslim returns to his original status as a non Muslim. Jumhu>r of ulama> such as Hanafi, Maliki, Syafi’i and Hanbali have prohibited interfaith marriage unless for Muslims to marry ahl al-kita>b women. In the contrary, the contemporary Islamic jurists, such as Muhammad Abduh, Muhammad Rasyid Ridha and Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid allow interfaith marriage either between a Muslim and ahl al-kita>b or in the contrary. There are many impacts resulted from interfaith marriage, but only two impacts are important to be observed, namely children’s status and right in inheritance. About children’s status, Indonesian regulation treats it as commonly as the family of similar religion. But in Islam law, the children status can follow strip of their mother only if we follow the thought of ulama that prohibit interfaith marriage, and can follow both their father and mother if we follow thought of ulama that allows it. Inheritance is close same with the status of children, but there is a different view of ulama in this case.

B. Recommendations

1. It’s possible to make the reasons of interfaith marriage actors as the consideration of law to decide the law of interfaith marriage.

2. The Marriage Law must regulate interfaith marriage matter clearly and thoroughly, so that there is no confusion especially among people who desired to marry different religion followers. Amendment towards The Marriage Law is something encouraged.


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